Some people come and they have a functional deficiency. Either they’re missing the tooth or multiple teeth, or maybe they have an issue with their jaw. Other people may not like the way their teeth look or the way they feel and we have multiple options oftentimes on on how to address that.
We are trained in complete smile makeovers and so that can include replacing missing teeth. It can include veneers for cosmetic things and can include fillings. It can include many different treatments.
Some common treatments that we help people with in their smile makeovers or smile rejuvenations are dental implants to replace missing teeth, veneers to reshape and color teeth and crowns to make teeth stronger and more durable. We’ve helped many patients feel better about their smile from whitening to Invisalign clear liners to replacing and missing tooth. Everybody likes to have nice teeth.
I think that’s a human quality that we all share together and so it’s really great for us to be able to help people achieve that. People are really self-critical oftentimes of themselves and they really are self-conscious about the way they look and the way they smile and see themselves on Zoom or Instagram or in the mirror. Sometimes a little bit can go a long way.
Sometimes it’s a lot goes a long way. When we help people straighten their teeth or their teeth are wider or we replace teeth that we’re missing, it really does impact their life. It really does change things for them.
To be able to partner with people and get the smile they never had or the smile they once had is a really rewarding thing for us.